Cryptify is a security application designed to provide complete
protection to users’ digital assets. It offers a wide range of powerful
features, including File Encryption, Folder Locking, Drive
Encryption and Internet Access Control, all using Password or Face
Encryption. With Cryptify, we aim to provide the users a one-stop
solution for all their security needs. Cryptify is available for various
desktop platforms such as Windows, Linux and MacOS.
Cryptify is made using Python
and C++. Python’s Tkinter is used to
create the GUI. Below are the features
of this app:
It enables the users to
completely encrypt any file of any
format. To achieve this, we use multiple
encryption algorithms to provide a
secure yet fast encryption.
It is done similarly as file
lock. The directory is first converted
to a compressed container, and then
our encryption is applied to it.
Here, we use Windows’s
‘Bitlocker’ to encrypt a whole
partition, using a custom password
which the user provides.
This feature is to
completely block the internet access
from the user’s machine at
Operating System level. The user can
use a password to lock/unlock.
This is a
special feature to use the
randomness in mouse coordinates of
human hand to generate an
extremely random encryption
This is the main highlight of Cryptify. All the
previously mentioned functionalities can be coupled with a face
encryption. It uses Python’s ‘Face-recognition’ library to detect a face
and save it. Later it is used to compare the faces while unlocking.
To make it further secure and sniff-proof, we combine the password
encryption and Face Encryption to make the target full-proof against
any kind of attacks or security breaches. This deals with a lot of
aforeseen conditions where a low quality camera may fail to provide
accurate facial clarification.
The app has 2 usage modes: Offline and Online
The user can access all locking featues offline and
the files cannot be unlocked on any other device even with the
correct password.
The user creates an account into our Database. The
locked files can only be decrypted with the correct password from
another device only if the user is logged into their account from
the other device.
Webcam (Atleast 480p)
Python 3.9 (Only Needed for Face
Note: Our app auto-installs all
software requirements like Python.
The app also provides an option to
re-install requirements if anything
doesn’t work as expected.
In conclusion, Cryptify is a security application designed to provide complete
protection to users’ digital assets. The app is made using C++ and Python
with Tkinter used to create the GUI.
It offers a wide range of powerful features, including file encryption, folder
locking, drive encryption, and internet access control, all using password or
face encryption. The app also has two usage modes, offline and online,
providing users with flexibility in how they want to use it.
The highlight of the app is the Face Encryption feature, which uses Python’s
Face-recognition library to detect a face and save it. Overall, Cryptify offers
users a comprehensive security solution that combines different encryption
algorithms and security measures to protect their digital assets.